Hello, I'm Brian Reith. Pretty much my whole life and most of my career I've been a songwriter, artist and music producer.Over the years I've been fortunate enough to develop a skill and passion for telling stories through visual media. I currently work part time for a marketing company as a video editor, animator and content producer.The rest of my time is spent freelancing as a motion designer, writing and producing music and taking care of my amazing dog Chip. I start every morning off by going for a run with him, followed by the enjoyment of a lovely, fine-tuned cup of pour-over coffee :)After living in Nashville for 20 years, I recently moved back to Milwaukee where I grew up. I'm grateful to have been able to travel and see so many beautiful places.Please don't hesitate to reach out! I love meeting new people and opportunities to collaborateCheers!Brian

Feel free to email me : contact@brianreith.studio

MUSIC VIDEORole: Art Director / Animator

Creative Brief: My client was looking for a music video. He made reference to the book Fahrenheit 452 for inspiration. My task was to convey the idea and emotion of a world where some individuals are breaking out of a brainwashed society - in a non literal and eye catching way. My client also referenced the artist Beck as an influence, so I gained a lot of inspiration from this amazing video. The turnaround time was 2 weeks from initial concept to final render.

I started off with a collage piece I was working on just as an experiment. That birthed the idea of entering in and out of different worlds through different televisions.
From there I searched for images that caught my eye and ended up creating 8 scenes to tell the story.

Fun Fact: I made the sun out of a piece of pizza and a matte in Luminosity Blend Mode.